Today was my first rescheduled day from the ice storm that cancelled almost half of my Rockwall ISD tour. I had a fun day at Stevenson Elementary—home of the Cubs!

Today was also picture day at the school, so I presented to four groups of sharply-dressed Stevenson students!

I have to give it to the 4th and 5th graders, who had the best questions of all—some I had never heard before!

I signed a bunch of books during lunch, and learned that the Stevenson PTA printed my autographed bookmarks for each and every student! It’s so nice when a bookmark some nice pages to snuggle up between!

Thanks to Mrs. Cooper and the Stevenson PTA for having me out and the tasty lunch. And a big thanks to all the Stevenson Cubs for such a fun day. Put those bookmarks to good use, and don’t forget to email me with more great questions!