Jan 4


With the Apple approval process shutting down for the holidays, Issue #8 (Big Red Boot Camp) ended up being a couple days late on its release. But it’s out now so be sure to check it out if you have the Clown Commandos iPhone app. And if don’t have the app (and just so happened to get an iPad or iPod Touch for Christmas, be sure to download the free comic book app HERE.
We had a great time writing and voicing this issue so please give it a go if you get a chance. And keep up to date on all Clown Commandos activity by checking out the official Facebook page, Twitter account, and Clownblog.

Jun 24


Today, the Clown Commandos saga continues with the worldwide release of Clown Commandos Issue #5: Mortal Clownbat!
Scott McFadden and I are having a great time telling the story of a squad of elite soldiers from a parallel universe where clowns evolved into super soldiers. Of course, when these clowns become trapped in our universe, the don’t get the respect they’re used to because… well… they’re clowns!
If you don’t have our innovative Clown Commandos comic book app installed on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch… what are you waiting for?!!!

Mar 9


We just released the third installment of the Clown Commandos iPhone comic series. To download issue #3, simply open your CC app and navigate to the page that lists all your installed comic issues. You’ll see Issue 03 ready for download!
What? You don’t have the Clown Commandos digital comic book app for your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch? The innovative action/adventure series that’s the first to feature real sound FX? Then what are you waiting for?!!
Download the free app here and see what’s going down with the clowns!
And be sure to like Clown Commandos on Facebook and follow them on Twitter.
Cover art by Diego Toro

Sep 30

iPhone app screen shot cover

I’m announcing the launch of the official Clown Commandos comic book apps! Created with my good friend, Scott McFadden, we’ve been working on this project for years and have finally found a cool medium on which to tell the CC saga!

The story is about a squad of heroes from an alternate universe where clowns evolved into elite soldiers. They become trapped in our world and must survive in a reality where no one takes them seriously.

There are many comic book apps out there but ours are some of the very few written specifically for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. We’ve also set ourselves apart by creating one of the first comics (if not THE first) to add interactive sound effects! You know those “BAMS!” you see in comics? Well, now you can hear the BAM with a tap of your finger!
iPhone app screen shot
You can find our apps in the iTunes store here.

To learn more about Clown Commandos, visit the official website: clowncommandos.com

Follow them on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, or the official blog: clownblog.com

Jun 23

cc_link Scott McFadden, and I are busy finishing the first webisode of a brand new online series called Clown Commandos.

The show is about a squad of heroes from an alternate universe where clowns evolved into an elite fighting force. Yet when these same commandos become trapped in our universe, they find themselves fighting crime for a society that doesn’t take them seriously. The squad must come to grips with being known as eccentric vigilantes instead of garnering the respect of which they’re accustomed.

Click the banner to learn more about each of the characters and the unique turn of events that made clowns revered in their universe.

Doing everything from writing and animating to music and sound fx, Scott and I have come a long way and learned quite a bit. The release date for the first webisode is closing in, but we’ve posted a couple of stills as a sneak-peek. Click here to take a look!

Check back on both websites for more news and the official release of the upcoming Clown Commandos webisode series!