Today I had a fun day at Dutch Lane Elementary, in Hicksville, NY. I was told early on that this Long Island school was chocked full of young writers. I could tell that was true by all the wonderful questions I received during every show! I performed for 2nd & 3rd and then 4th and 5th. I signed some books (thanks, Kyle, Maya, and Jennie) and, after a tasty school lunch, I had one more show with the Kinder and 1st grades. And you know what? They had the best questions out of the entire school!
Thanks to Mrs. Telesky for inviting me. Thanks to Mr. Sleeper for helping me set up. Thanks to Ms. Panono for the use of the amp. Thanks to Mrs. Borra for all the picture organizing and help throughout the day (a welcome to Thomas, by the way). And thanks to all the young writers at Dutch Lane Elementary. Keep reading and keep writing!
Today I visited the first school of my brief Long Island tour—Hobart Elementary in Shirley, NY! I gave three performances for three huge groups of kids. The library was jam-packed! Everyone was great, students and faculty alike and I hope my visit was a welcome break from prepping for the state test.
Thanks to Mr. Bretton for inviting me and for being such a great host. Thanks to Mrs. Demmers for putting up with me and the crowds in her library. Thanks to everyone in the nurse’s office for the entertaining lunch. Thanks to Mrs. Parise’s class for that cool puppet parade. And a big thanks to all the wonderful Hobart Elmentary students. Good luck on your tests and then have a happy spring break!
Back from spring break, the students at Savannah Lakes Elementary were happy to see me. I received a warm welcome and was thrilled to learn that I have been Savannah Lakes author of the month—with my own display case and everything! My author visit also coincided with the end of the book fair so it was quite a literary day.
As you can see, Shelly, the library turtle, could hardly stand the excitement!
Thanks to Mrs. Ferrari for inviting me and to Mrs. Costello for all the help. Thanks to Mrs. Derbonne’s Class for the wonderful thank you card. Thanks to Shelly the turtle for sitting in her tank, doing turtle stuff. And a big thanks to all the students at Savannah Lakes Elementary. I had a fun time meeting you and I hope you enjoy the library books I signed for all of Alvin ISD. And, Lena, I hope you enjoy your signed copy of Night at the Museum: Nick’s Tales. If you like the first half, just wait until you reach the end!
Tonight I enjoyed visiting Scanlan Oaks Elementary in Missouri City, TX. I was their guest author for their Reading & Writing Night—hey…two of my favorite things! I was one of their “Imagination Stations” with a big stage, a big screen, and two packed audience groups rotating through my shows. I had a great time presenting to students and parents alike. Everyone had wonderful questions (even some of the parents) and I could tell by many of the students’ questions that many of them took my motivational message very seriously. Way cool!
Thanks to Mr. Hejducek for helping me set up. Thanks to Mrs. Merriman, Mrs. Woolley, Mrs. Dubec, and the Scanlan Oaks PTO for inviting me. And a big thanks to all the parents and students for coming out and being such great audiences. Keep reading, writing, and like I said, write to me on Facebook, if I didn’t get to your question.
Today I visited two Fort Worth schools on their last day before spring break. First stop was Sagamore Hill Elementary where I performed two shows for the 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders. After each show, I met some diehard Wishbone fans, avid readers, and creative writers. Keep reading, you guys! Mrs. Nelson is very proud of all the young readers at your school. Sounds great to me, too!
Thanks to Mrs. Nelson for inviting me and for the gift bag of goodies. Thanks to Mr. Ornelas, Mrs. Parada, and Mrs. Segreti for taking pictures. Thanks to Mr. Porter for helping me set up (and for being a big Night at the Museum fan). And a big thanks to all the Sagamore Hill Elementary students. Have a happy spring break!
After my fun morning at Sagamore Hill, I zipped over to JT Stevens Elementary for lunch—cheeseburger day, yay! Before my two shows, I was greeted by several welcome banners including one made by the students themselves. However, I received a one-of-a-kind welcome when I was flash-mobbed in the library during lunch. The G&T students surprised me with an original welcome song! That’s a first for me—very cool!
Thanks to Mrs. Maples for inviting me. I hope you enjoyed your first author visit—you did a great job! Thanks to the flash mob members: Mae, Gracie, Michelle, Grant, Jackie, and Sarah. And a big thanks to the rest of the JT Steven Cardinals. Keep your wings spread and soar for the sky!
This month has the release of two more of my contributions to the Tony Hawk: Live 2 Skate series. I wrote four in total and all were great fun — considering that I haven’t been atop a skateboard since I was the age of the books’ main characters. Luckily, I received some expert advice from some sick skaters!
Thanks to Ezra, Lucas, and Ian in Kalispel, Montana and thanks to former skater Hugo, in Austin, Texas (look for your namesake in Revive, Hugo).
Pencils and Colors: Fernando Cano
Inks: Laura Rivera
Cover Copy: Another move to another city. No friends, nowhere to skate. Then…an empty amusement park. I’m Jason Hart, and I Live 2 Skate. How do you live?
Pencils and Colors: Fernando Cano
Inks: Nancy Andrews
Cover Copy: An Extra in a movie. Forced to skate with a punk. Racing for the featured role. I’m Russel Chen, an I Live 2 Skate. How do you live?