My last stop at Hamburg ISD was at Hamburg Middle School!

I began the day with a writing workshop for Mrs. Ström’s 6th Grade Pre-AP English class. I hope everyone enjoyed my writing tips and I thoroughly enjoyed answering your insightful questions!

After that, I presented to the 6th, 7th, and 8th graders in their huge gym. It was a new kind of venue for me, putting me up close and personal with the front row while my slides were projected on a big screen on the gym floor. Plus, I strolled the length of the gym several times so I could address everyone in the school!

After lunch, I gave another workshop for Mrs. Gill’s creative writing class. Again, more great questions AND I got to see Joesy’s excellent artwork.

Thanks to Ms. Gill and Mrs. Ström for having me out. Thanks to Eric for the guide services through the school. Thanks to Alyssa for being the first to email me with more questions (and the attached selfie). And a big thanks to all the great HMS students I met today. Remember those four words!