Nov 4

Today I spent the entire day with the Gifted/Talented students at Mildred Elementary, in Mildred, TX!

After a full presentation, I answered many great questions, and even had the opportunity to have lunch with the students.

After lunch, I gave two writing workshops, answered more thoughtful questions, and signed books for each and every student!

I could tell these students were truly gifted and talented when they took more notes than any other students in previous workshops. And one student even had a story begun before it was all over! I could tell there are going to be some fine writers coming out of this group!

Thanks to Mrs. Thompson and the Texas Retired Teachers Association for having me out. And a big thanks to all the GT kids at Mildred Elementary.

Great to meet you: Andi, Avery, Blake, Brynlee, Camden, Cameron, Case, Ella, Elliette, Harper, Hudson, Jace, Jasper, Jett, Kailee, Levi, McCoy, Mia, Townes, and Troy!

Apr 18

Today I enjoyed the rare opportunity to visit just the Kindergarteners at WonderWell, in Austin, TX!

I had a great time taking over the classroom for an hour, getting to know everyone, throw a fish, sing a silly song, you know…fun stuff like that.

Thanks to Mr. Bear, everyone received one of my Scooby-Doo and Krypto Mysteries. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them!

Thanks to Mr. Bear for having me out. Thanks to Ms. Guild and Mr. Howes for lending me their classroom. And the biggest thanks of all goes to the WonderWell Kindergarteners! It was a pleasure getting to know you: Andrew, David, Evelyn, Matthew, Maxwell, Megan, Noah, Ona, Oscar, Penelope, Pheonix, Poppy, and St John!

Apr 12

Today was an exciting day at Kent Elementary in Carrollton, TX–home of the Kent Cardinals!

Everyone was welcoming, including a great display featuring all my books in the school library! I especially like the comic book action illustrations, courtesy of the art class.

I signed each and every library book between my three action-packed shows. I’m told that they’ll finally be able to check them out after my visit. I hope everyone likes them!

I also discovered that I wasn’t the only author with work in library. Way to go, Nikokai!

Thanks to Mrs. Hodge and the Kent PTA for having me out. And the biggest thanks goes to all the Kent Cardinals for not only being great readers, but also for making some of the best animal noises of the school year! Keep those giraffe sounds going!

Mar 25

As I pulled into the parking lot this morning, I read a personalized welcome message on the school sign. And that, my friends, was just the beginning of how well I would be welcomed at Hightower Elementary—home of the Tigers! 

There was a LEGO welcome sign in the library in honor of my LEGO City books. And there was even my very own word search—an author visit first for me!

Of course, the day got even better when I met all the Hightower Tigers! In between presentations, I chatted with some of the Tigers and signed a bunch of books. It was wonderful to get to know so many young readers AND writers. Keep doing both!

Thanks to Mrs. Adcock and the Hightower PTA for having me out and for the tasty lunch. Thanks to Mr. Froman for the tech support. A big thanks to all the Hightower Tigers for being such an energized yet polite audience with so many great questions! And another big thanks to Ms. Carr for setting everything up and the fun lunch conversation about our various travels. One of my favorite quotes is one from Saint Augustine: “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.”

Mar 7

Today I met some new friends at Dodd Elementary, in Krum, TX! And if that wasn’t good enough, today was Hat Day at Dodd. I saw many cool hats, including a couple I could definitely see in my own hat collection–I’m looking at you taco hat!

I performed two shows in the library for most of the Dodd Bobcats. Afterward, I was thrilled to discover that the library had my entire series of Tom Swift books. I was the ghostwriter for the entire series, and I discussed with Mrs. Hunter how they would be perfect examples to teach students about ghostwriting.

My wife and I enjoyed a fun lunch with Mrs. Bolz, Mrs. Mayfield, Mrs. Vardell, and Mrs. Roesler. It was lovely meeting and talking to all of you!

But the excitement didn’t end there! That evening, I was the guest speaker for Dodd Elementary’s Literacy Night! After I finished my presentation, Mrs. Vardell raffled off several of my books. I signed them as soon as the lucky Bobcats got hold of them!

Thanks to Mrs. Vardell for inviting me out. Thanks to Annie and Lizzie for the nice greeting in the morning. And the biggest thanks goes to all the Bobcats, who were full of great questions. Remember, if I didn’t get to you, you’re more than welcome to email your question to me anytime! I already received one from Maxx–who wore one of my favorites hats of the day, Monkey D. Luffy’s hat from One Piece! Since I wrote two One Piece books, I definitely need to get one of those.

Nov 10

Today I visited Centerville Elementary in Centerville, TX! And it was a good thing I wore my hat, since today was their weekly Hat Day to help raise money for nearby rescue shelter: Rufus Refuge!

I performed two shows in the cafeteria, one show in the library, and visited all the Kinder and 1st grade classes!

I signed a bunch of books for all the talented and polite students and even got to discuss some Godzilla with artist and the local Godzilla expert, Luke!

Thanks to everyone who asked great questions, brought books to sign, and made terrific giraffe noises!

And thanks to Addi, Addi Jo, Chloe, Liberty, Savannah, and the rest of the library helpers who helped make the day easier and more fun!

And thanks to Mrs. Payne for having me out and being a wonderful host. I hope everyone enjoys the books and don’t forget to keep those questions coming!

Mar 28

I just spent two days at Lyon Elementary—home of the Lyon Cubs! This was not only the last couple of make-up dates for my iced-out Rockwall ISD tour, but also my last author visit of the school year. And I couldn’t have asked for a better school to end both!

Since I was there two days, I got to present to each grade individually. I met a ton of young writers as well as a surprising amount of future screenwriters!

I signed everyone’s book during the first day and even signed some for the school library on the second. I hope everyone enjoys my books, especially my ghostwritten Tom Swift books that you will soon be able to check out from the library. If you weren’t in the presentation where I explained ghostwriting, ask Mrs. Arrington to tell you all about it!

Thanks to Mrs. Arrington and the Lyon PTO for having me out! And a big thanks to all the Lyon Cubs for being great listeners, readers, and askers of interesting questions. Have a wonderful rest of the school year!

Mar 14

Today I had a wonderful day at Springer Elementary, home of the Springer Stallions! 

It was another rescheduled day from my iced-out Rockwell ISD tour, and I’m thrilled the Stallions patiently awaited my arrival. 

I was greeted by a wonderful banner and a bunch of books to sign! The books were going to be special prizes for some of the best behaved audience members. There’s going to be plenty of names to draw from because each and every one of my three shows were full of polite students who had great questions! 

I had the pleasure of having lunch with all the students who bought books for me to sign. It was great visiting with each and every one of you, and I hope you enjoy my books!

Thanks to Mrs. Cutting for inviting me and for making such a wonderful experience. Thanks to Mrs. Cutting and Mrs. Wood for the banner. And the biggest thanks of all goes to the Springer Stallions themselves. Thanks for waiting for me, and I hope you had as much fun as I did!

Feb 27

Today was my first rescheduled day from the ice storm that cancelled almost half of my Rockwall ISD tour. I had a fun day at Stevenson Elementary—home of the Cubs!

Today was also picture day at the school, so I presented to four groups of sharply-dressed Stevenson students!

I have to give it to the 4th and 5th graders, who had the best questions of all—some I had never heard before!

I signed a bunch of books during lunch, and learned that the Stevenson PTA printed my autographed bookmarks for each and every student! It’s so nice when a bookmark some nice pages to snuggle up between!

Thanks to Mrs. Cooper and the Stevenson PTA for having me out and the tasty lunch. And a big thanks to all the Stevenson Cubs for such a fun day. Put those bookmarks to good use, and don’t forget to email me with more great questions!

Feb 24

I spent all day with the Bobcats at O’Dell Elementary in Celina, TX! I performed four shows and signed a bunch of books at my swanky signing station!

Several Bobcats brought books with them to the shows, and thanks to the O’Dell PTA, everyone received one of my special autographed bookmarks!

I met a bunch of young writers and a huge amount of future screenwriters, especially among the 4th and 5th graders!

Thanks to Mrs. Lundeen and the O’Dell PTA for having me out. Thanks to Mrs. Johnson for help setting up. Thanks to Coach Cross for her help and the use of the gym. And a big thanks to all the O’Dell Bobcats! It was great spending the day with you!

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