Mar 5


Tonight I performed at the Blue and Gold banquet for Cub Scout Pack 350 in Fort Worth, Texas–my first show at a Blue and Gold! And because of my Scouting experience, I was able to tell this particular audience that I’m an Eagle Scout who was once a Cub Scout, too. I even brought along my old Cub Scout manuals and uniform shirt to show everyone (although the shirt would’ve been a little snug to wear, I’m afraid).

Throughout the night, I met a bunch of great Cub Scouts, Webelos, and Scouters. I saw many of them receive awards and badges and I was even lucky enough to be there when Super Scout arrived! I hear that’s a rare honor, indeed.

Thanks for the fun evening, Pack 350! Remember… keep hiking up that trail to Eagle. It’s a fun trek with plenty of exciting things to see and do. And if you live by the Cub Scout motto, “Do Your Best,” you’ll reach the top in no time!

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