Mar 13

Today I enjoyed a return visit to Hobart Elementary in Shirley, NY. Lucky for me, I showed up on the perfect day—Crazy Hat Day! Most of the Hobart students wore all kinds of crazy (and maybe a bit silly) hats. My hat wan’t so crazy but I had plenty of crazier ones to show during my presentation.
I performed for the kids who missed me last year and I gave two writing workshops. One for writing comic books and my standard general writing workshop. In the comic book workshop, I had a great time with: Aiden, Alexander, Alyssa, Andy, Derek, Devin, Emily, Jasmine, Jason, Jonathan, Julia, Kayshaun, MaKenna, Matthew, Nick, Paige, Sofia, and Tayquan. And nice art, Alyssa, Jasmine, and Sofia!
For the writing workshop, thanks to: Aleeza, Amun, Brian, Britney, Cavelle, Ciara, Crown, Emily, Emma, Gabriella, Hayden, Hector, Jacqueline, James, Jayden, Jeff, Jennesa, Jeremy, Julia, Juliana, Juliana, Kimberlyn, Krystianna, Mateo, McKenzie, Melanie, Owen, Rachel, Ronald, Sydney, Tara, Wally, Yulis. Thanks to Emma for starring in our short story.
Thanks again to Mr. Bretton for inviting me (and for lunch). Thanks again to Mrs. Demmers for the use of her library and for all the help setting up. And thanks to all the young writers and illustrators at Hobart Elementary. I’m looking forward to seeing more of your work someday!

Mar 11

Okay, not my first time visiting Pennsylvania, but definitely my first Pennsylvania school. Today I was fortunate to be the honored guest for the annual Author Day at Barkley Elementary in Phoenixville, PA! There, I performed two shows in front of all the great Barkley students in their cool auditorium. What a great group of students!
After lunch, I gave a writing workshop to the Barkley Elementary All Stars! Thanks for coming and for all your good deeds that let you be an All Star today: Abigail, Angel, Brendan, Corinne, Cory, Efe, Isiah, Kayla, Kiernan, Lauren, Lilly, Matthew, McKensie, Nathan, Ronald, Santana, Tristan, Tristen, Will, and Zachary. And an extra thanks to McKensie for playing a serious part in our silly story!
Thanks to Mrs. Patterson for inviting me. Thanks to Mrs. Champane-Lee for the great introduction. Thanks to Mrs. Dooley for all the tech support. Thanks to Mrs. Collins, Mrs. Shaw, and all the parents and teachers who helped set up everything and provide the great lunch. And a big thanks to all the Barkley Elementary students. Keep reading and keep writing those stories!

Mar 5

My first visit to Iowa welcomed me with a brisk morning temp of 1º. After a scenic drive (seeing deer and bald eagles), I stopped at Montezuma Elementary! I enjoyed two shows with the energetic students and discovered that they had participated in a walk-a-thon last year. Turns out, they do it almost every year to raise money for school visits like mine. Thanks for all those steps, Montezuma Elementary!
Thanks to Mrs. Moretz and Mrs. DeJong for inviting me, for all the help, and for lunch. And thanks again to all the walking Montezuma students. If you walked far enough to get me there from Texas, than I guess a little cold weather is nothing to sneeze at, so to speak.
After another scenic drive (snow-covered fields, barns, and silos), I ended up at English Valleys Elementary—home of the Bears! Once set up, I was lucky enough to perform in front of the entire school in their gym. All the students were great and I should’ve known that anyone with a bear as a mascot would be superb at making dragon roars. My ears are still ringing!
Thanks to Mrs. Van Dee and Mrs. Andreassen for inviting me. Thanks to Mrs. Van Dee for all the help and for taking pictures. And a big thanks to all the English Valleys Bears! You were a great way to end my first trip to Iowa!

Mar 2

Today I went back to San Antonio, back to visit Dani’el Mason, but at her NEW school, Northwest Crossing Elementary! I was their visiting author for the “We Are Writers” event in celebration of Read Across America Day—which just so happens to be Dr. Seuss’s birthday! During the day, all the students were rotated to other events including the Storybook Players and Miss Anastasia. And after each of my three shows, Mrs. Mason had another surprise where lucky winners won copies of my books! I signed a bunch of books and even Nia’s leg cast. Get well soon, Nia!
Thanks again to Mrs. Mason for inviting me to her new school. Thanks to Mrs. Langill’s 4th grade class for the cool welcome banner. Thanks to Mrs. Sandoval for your help. And a big thanks to all the Northwest Crossing Cardinals! As I found out during my shows, you are a bunch of writers! Keep at it, Cardinals!